Wedding Photography
Cassie Shawcroft

Southern Colorado Based Photographer Celebrating Family

Madison & Weston Sand Dunes Engagement Session

I first got Madison behind my camera in 2020 before her mission.  She was getting ready to head off to California and so excited to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with the people there.  My first impression of her was that she was the sweetest person ever!!  I wasn’t wrong!  I remember being impressed with her bright smile, her beautiful blue eyes, and her welcoming personality.

I have had the privilege of knowing Weston for many years.  He never ceases to make me laugh with his witty humor.  If you are ever having a bad day, just hang around Weston for a few minutes and he will be sure to lighten your mood and bring a smile to your face.  I have also been able to watch Weston on the wrestling mat.  His determination to do his best there has also been evident in many challenges he has faced in his life.  He is a great example of what it means to “take life by the horns.”

All this to say that I was extremely excited to be a part of this perfect union between two people I love and admire.  And to shoot their engagement photos at the Great Sand Dunes National Park, one of my favorite places to shoot, was amazing.  It may have been a little cold, and definitely more windy than we expected or would have liked, but these two were great troopers.  Even when I had Madison take off her shoes and walk in the cold sand, she still flashed her beautiful smile.

My favorite part of this session was watching this new couple interact.  Thank you, Madison and Weston, for being an example to the world of what true love really is.  You personify President Gordon B. Hinckley’s words, “True love is not so much a matter of romance as it is a matter of anxious concern for the well-being of one’s companion.”  Another President Hinckley quote comes to mind when I watch you two.  He simply stated, “Love is of the very essence of life.”  These pictures of you two are proof of that.

I can’t wait until the big day!!!  You are going to make a stunning bride and groom!  Let the countdown begin.



March 18, 2022

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Cassie Shawcroft