Wedding Photography
Cassie Shawcroft

Southern Colorado Based Photographer Celebrating Family

Nic Gilleland Family Session: La Manga Pass


My favorite time of year.  And the San Luis Valley has Autumns to be envied.  Breathtaking brightly colored leaves, crisp cool evenings, red ripe apples, and pumpkin patches.  (And as my husband would add, “The smell of football in the air!”)  Yes, it’s an amazing time of year and an awesome time to take family pictures.

The Gillelands hit it just right!!!!  La Manga Pass was alive with color last weekend and was a perfect place to capture this beautiful family.  Kids change a good deal in a year and it’s so fun to see how much they have grown.  Brittany is spending more time alone, (or at least without kids around) these days with Durant in middle school, Shandon and Taysha in elementary, and Hayslie in Preschool.  CUTE KIDS!!!!!!

When you add it all up; the beautiful family, the darling outfits, and the amazing scenery, it turns into the perfect evening.  Thank you, Nic & Brittany, for allowing me to share this time with your super fun family!!!!  You are the best!!!!


October 7, 2020

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Cassie Shawcroft