Wedding Photography
Cassie Shawcroft

Southern Colorado Based Photographer Celebrating Family

Reed Family Session

I came from a family of seven children.  In those days it may have been easier to have a big family.  First of all, seat belts were optional.  If you are old enough, you will remember how your mother instinctively put her arm out to stop you from flying into the windshield every time she used the brakes.  Or how it wasn’t necessary to have a big vehicle because we would just pile into the back of the pickup and our parents would let us!!!  In fact, if we were going very far, they were even nice enough to put the camper shell on so we could stay out of the wind.

Another thing about big families when I was growing up was there was essentially no talk about germs.  I had never heard of double dipping or not sharing a drink with my siblings.  No need to have separate water bottles, or snacks and dirty hands and faces were a part of life, while coats and shoes were optional.  Funny thing, I never remember being sick!!!

And then there’s the phone issue.  I distinctly remember sharing a “party”  line with another family and having to wait until they got off the line to make a call.  Now a days, each family member has their own phone (non-smart phone for the teenagers, I hope) that needs paid for, monitored, found multiple time per day (that would be my phone), and placed in rice when dropped in the toilet, which by the way doesn’t always work!

These days bring unique trials to having any children, let alone 7 of them.  My hat’s off to the brave souls who endeavor to raise a house full of little ones.  But I do believe that one thing about big families has not changed.  THEY ARE THE BEST!!!  I am grateful that I have 6 siblings and their families that support my children in all they do.  I am grateful that I always have a shoulder to cry on or a family member to cheer me on.  I love our big family parties that we have to have at the church because we don’t all fit in a house anymore.  I love having a ton of nieces and nephews that I can love and support and see grow into amazing adults!!

Steve and Annie, it may seem hard and crazy right now, but I can testify that you are doing a great work!!!  When your family doesn’t fit in your house anymore for the Christmas party and you are surrounded by cute grandkids, who are climbing on your lap and giving you sticky kisses and messily wrapped gifts, it will be clear.  You will understand why you did what you did, and that BIG FAMILIES ARE THE BEST!!!

October 29, 2019

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Cassie Shawcroft