Wedding Photography
Cassie Shawcroft

Southern Colorado Based Photographer Celebrating Family

Mark Jackson Family-San Luis Valley Fall Colors

The Jackson’s are always so fun to be around and super fun to take pictures of.  I love that they want to capture every year of their life together!!!  You can see that they enjoy every minute and turn even the most annoying life situations (the masks of 2020)  into a moment to remember.  This family is naturally photogenic and the camera loves them.  They even make masks look good!!!!

Speaking of looking good, Jennifer did it again with the perfect outfits for her family.  The sage greens, navy blues, grays and white are stunning together and stand out against the beautiful fall colors along the river outside of Manassa.  This family-owned property was amazing!!!  An ideal spot to showcase how beautiful autumn in the valley can be.  Most people would agree that fall is the best time of year around here and this year has been especially breathtaking.

The Jackson’s don’t need beautiful backgrounds to look amazing though!!  They are beautiful people, inside and out.  I have loved having them in our community, and church congregation.  I will especially miss seeing Jennifer and the girls every Wednesday for mutual.  They add so much to our little group.  Well, Manassa is not too far away.  We may have to come visit!!!

Thank you, Mark and Jennifer, for making a mark on this community with your smiles, laughter, kindness, and concern for others.  Thank you for allowing me to capture the beauty and goodness of your family and for sharing it with others.  You have a good thing going and are great examples to many.  Keep making the world a little better, one smile at a time!!!

October 16, 2020

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Cassie Shawcroft