Wedding Photography
Cassie Shawcroft

Southern Colorado Based Photographer Celebrating Family

Cornum Family Session

What is the importance of having family photos?  Why is my wall, (and probably yours), littered with pictures of family?  What else is on your walls?  Do you have a picture of a special place you have visited, or a quote that inspires you?  Or maybe you have a picture of where you got married, a past US president or two, (thanks to my history teacher hubby 🙂 ) or a special painting of Jesus Christ.  Yep, that is what is on my living room walls, and it is probably not much different than yours.  People often surround themselves with tangible things that remind them of what is important to them.  That is where the importance of family pictures comes in.  Sure, we want to remember what our kids were like at this age, or we want to freeze a moment in time before the kids grow up or before we get any older.  🙁  But old picture or new, candid or formal, professional or snapshot, there is something very right about surrounding ourselves with pictures of the most important people in our life.  And it doesn’t have to be a wall.  If you are not the picture hanging kind of person, it could be the screen of your phone, an easily accessible scrapbook, a digital album, or your computer display.  Or maybe you prefer to share your favorite pictures on facebook, instagram or a blog.   It’s really as simple as 1, 2, 3.  Ok, it’s really as simple as 1, 2!!!  Step one, take pictures or have someone else take pictures of your family, (so you can actually be in it for once), and step two, share them!!!

As I write this post, I am remembering how long we had this family session scheduled.  An extended family session is not something that can be thrown together at the last minute.  Anyone that has tried to coordinate schedules for a whole family knows this.  It takes real effort and commitment on everyones part, and usually much planning on the mom’s part.

Thank you Carol, for being committed to capturing this time with your family, even when it’s not easy to find time.  Thank you Cornum family, for showing up in the wind, not sure where we were going or what to expect.  It turned out to be a gorgeous evening, and I enjoyed spending it with you!  Hopefully you will love your pictures.  Not so much because of the beautiful fall backdrop, or the outfits you are wearing or what you did with your hair that day, but because they are of people that you love.  So now that you have step one taken care of, move on to step two.  I’ll help you by sharing a few of my favorites down below.  Just because I believe that, FAMILIES ARE THE BEST!!!!

October 24, 2019

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Cassie Shawcroft